EXP Gaining System Information

1. All classes who reached Lv.49 can use EXP Gaining System.
2. The EXP Gaining System is only available in Maros Town.
3. Adventurers can buy Elder’s Note and Elder’s Advanced Note from Joanna. Each note can only be purchased once per day.
4. The purchase limit will be reset at 00:00 on Teon Server Time.
5. The price of Elder’s Note is 2000 Gold.
6. The price of Elder’s Advanced Note is 100 Gold.
7. Adventurers can redeem Elder’s Note Bag and Elder’s Advanced Note Bag from Joanna by using Elder’s Note or Elder’s Advanced Note Bag.
8. Elder’s Note Bag = Elder’s Note + Elder’s Note Bag Permit (Acquiring from Premium Rewards)
9. Elder’s Advanced Note Bag = Elder’s Advanced Note + 150 TC
10. Expired time of Elder’s Note Bag and Elder’s Advanced Note Bag are 24 hours and will be disappeared when expired.
11. Effective time of EXP Gaining when using Elder’s Note Bag is 4 hours, you can acquire a certain amount of EXP after 4 hours.
12. Effective time of EXP Gaining when using Elder’s Advanced Note Bag is 1 hour, the total amount of EXP you can acquire is the same as using Elder’s Note Bag in 4 hours.
13. The EXP acquired from using Elder’s Note Bag is related to the character’s level. The higher level the character has, the less EXP will gain from the system.
14. The EXP acquired from using Elder’s Advanced Note Bag is not related to the character’s level. You will always acquire the same amount of EXP from the system.
15. EXP Cube will not affect the amount of EXP acquiring from this system.
16. The EXP Gaining System is only working in Maros Town, leaving the town or logging out your character will pause the effective time count-down.
17. Characters who reach the maximum level will not be able to use EXP Gaining System.

Author Lakoo
Views 647


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