Update of 20210713

Dear Adventurers, The server maintenance of  Teon was completed and the following updates have implemented:

– Weapon Element Enchant
1. Released Weapon Element Enchant.
2. The current Max level will be +2.
3. The element enchanting weapon should reach the maximum safe enchant level.
4. Adventurers can find Apocalypser [Element Enchant] in Dartford to Element Enchant.
5. The currently available elements are Wind and Earth. Fire and Water Weapon Element Enchant will be released in future updates.

-Ymir and Jokul
1. Added new maps, Ymir and Jokul, that have relative dropping of weapon element enchant resources.
2. Adventurers who reached Lv.47 and completed the Monster Hunter’s series quests can find Ivanna [Crystal Hunter] in Dartford to entrance Ymir and Jokul.
3. Ymir is available to enter once per day and Jokul can enter twice per day. The entrance limitation will be reset at 10:00 Teon Server Time. (Teon Server Time is available on our official website at teonworld.com)

-Crystal Prize
1. Added Crystal Prize that required crystals drop in Ymir and Jokul to attend.
2. Adventurers can find Lucy [Crystal Prize] in Dartford to attend the crystal prize.

-Other changes
1. Changed the EXP restore limitation.
2. Fixed some text errors.
3. Optimized some descriptions to be more clear

A game resource of version 10469 auto-update containing the aforementioned changes is required when you start Teon.

We apologize for any inconvenience it causes and thank you for your support on Teon. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service at email: cs@teonworld.com



Teon Team

Author Lakoo
Views 701


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