Veteran’s Supplies: Loyalty Packages

Welcome back, adventurers! The Einhasad server launch time is close at hand. While you are all waiting eagerously for the new server, we would like to instruction you on how to claim your Loyalty Packages.

====== How to claim your Loyalty Packages ======

1. You must have played on the Eon server (old version) during the year 2017 to present;

2. Download the new Teonworld Application from App Store / Play Store and create an account with the same email address you applied for the Veteran’s Supplies (See the FAQs below);

3. While you are in-game, tap on the [Mail] icon, choose the Feedback tab, and select the [- Advice] feedback type. In the [Describe] window, make sure you enter the keyword: “Loyalty Package Collection”, followed by your email address of your account and the name of your highest level character on Eon Server;

4. If all the information matches the application form you filled in previously, you should receive your Loyalty Package (the contents may vary based on your character’s level on the Eon Server) within 48 hours;

5. Claim your Loyalty Package in [Mail] – [Placard] tab when it arrives.

====== FAQs regarding the Veteran’s Supply ======

1. When is the time to apply for the Veteran’s Supplies?

– From November 11, 2020 until 00:00 PST, Macrh 30th, 2021;

(You can still apply before 00:00 PST, March 30th, 2021 by visiting:

2. Who should apply?

– If your character on the Eon Server was at least level 50 or above before before 00:00 PST on the opening day of Einhasad.

3. What else should I know?

– Each account (Google Account) is only qualified for one application;

– If more than one application form is submitted from the same email address, only the latest submission will be taken;

– You can receive the corresponding items in Einhasad if you have had filled in the application forms for the Veteran’s Supply before March 30th 00:00 PST;

– Each account can only receive one set of Veteran’s Supply.

4. Why am I not getting any response from GM?

– The verification process will be done manually. Therefore, it will take up to 48 hours before you receive your Loyalty Package.

====== Event time ======

You can claim your Loyalty Package From 00:00(PST), March 30th, 2021 to 00:00(PST), April 30th, 2021.

Author Lakoo
Views 1020


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